So very busy after visiting the Edge of the Wild that I've not had time to comment on the appearance of old friends, Tinkerscuss.
Briony and Erin Holden have increased the group by 50% by taking on-board Kathryn Wheeler and so added accordion, viola and violin to all their other instruments (and she sings too, giving Briony a rest). Here's the cover of the CD, however, you'd all like to hear them wouldn't you? Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/tinkerscuss
The show was amazing, by the way. Several new paintings from all the artists with my favourite being 'Conversation with Smaug' by Ted Nasmith. Check out http://www.adcbooks.co.uk/ for some of his paintings and those of Jef Murray, Ruth Lacon and Peter Pracownik plus all sorts of other LOTR and fantasy items. Ted also does a bit of song writing and sings himself. See his paintings and hear him on www.tednasmith.com
Other contact points are http://www.tolkiensociety.org/
Don't miss it next year. I aim to give it more time myself.
Thanks to Andy, Malcolm and all others for a showstopping, er, show.
(Thanks also for doing some advertising for me on our booksignings coming up.)
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