The First World War Diaries of Sister Edith Appleton is the sub-sub-title of this fascinating book. Edited by Ruth Cowan and with a forward by Michael Morpurgo (War Horse etc), it is the second of the 'War Diaries' series produced in conjunction with the Imperial War Museum. Quite a pedigree!
We are delighted that the discoverer of these amazing documents, Sister Edith's great nephew, Dick Robinson will be here to talk about Edith and her diaries on
Saturday 17th March at 10.30 am.

The price of this hardback is £14.99 but, to encourage you along on the day, it will be available at
£3.00 off on the day and Dick will happily sign your copy if you wish.
Please drop in from 1st March onwards and dip into this fascinating account of the day to day life of a young nurse who worked close to the front line during this horrific piece of our history.
The IWM will be opening brand new First World War galleries during their programme marking the centenary of the 14-18 war. More information is available at