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Monday, 11 March 2013

Blog back on Air

OK We're back in the driving seat now. After a slow re-assembly of the computer and peripherals (small choux pastry balls filled with cream and topped with chocolate) we're now back in charge of the blog.

So here's our first review for a while -

A Game of Thrones: by George R.R. Martin
Paperback at £8.99

With a link to the history of fourteenth century Europe and perhaps our own 'Wars of the Roses', this sprawling epic is just the start of a huge and gripping saga. This first book runs to 800 pages (what value!) and describes the lives of Kings and Princes, knights and traitors, as various families vie to rule the land. There are few men of honour, in these pages. Everyone plots to satisfy their own ambitions. Perhaps everyone, that is, but Eddard Stark, called away from his family to virtually rule while the King enjoys the hunt and too much wine. However, there is a suspicion of murder at court and, at the King's death, Eddard must take command only to find that he can trust no one. As his control slips, the country spirals into war. I was soon gripped by the lives of the vast list of characters as they dance around each other. You'll soon find your favourites among them, some of them are very amusing, and there are plenty to hiss and boo as the plot develops. The non-stop action, secrets, plots and battles spread across a brilliantly imagined landscape rush you to the last page. Much better than the TV series starring Sean Bean as Stark, this is superb. I've already rushed to the next in the series, A Clash of Kings, which I'm enjoying just as much. 

I know it's an oldie but for years I've read for the shop while my favourite authors output piled up in the 'library'. (Large box under the bed!)


  1. Nice you read you again! My Game of Thrones still waits on my shelf, but any time soon... ;-)

  2. Glad you are still watching. From home, I guess? Busy writing? When do we get a translation? Hope it's all a great success.
    I'm much of the way through 'Clash of Kings'(two other books on the go at the same time) and love it.
    All best,

  3. Ah, I'm always busy writing ;-) I have finished recently the second part of the Alfred Bendelin series and it shall be published in June (can't wait!). I'm planning to translate into English (with some help of my UK friend) first chapter of the first part, so you will have opportunity to read it quite soon if you would like to ;-)
    Have a nice time with G.R.R. Martin!
    Best wishes, Sasza

  4. Congratulations on book 2. I hope the first is doing well? I'll look forward to reading at least the first chapter and hope the others follow.
