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Saturday, 26 January 2013

More from Peter Gibbs

Those of you who bought (and for certain enjoyed) the excellent cricket novel, Settling the Score by Peter Gibbs, might be interested in Arthur's Hallowed Ground starring Jimmy Jewel which is one of Peter's most enjoyable plays.

It's on Film 4 at 15.20 - short notice this but I've just spotted it. There's always I-player.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Father Brown - Mark Williams

Hits from all over from folk looking up Father Brown after today's first screening. I thought it most enjoyable.

Good to see Mark Williams on top form and various Cotswold villages in the sunshine.

The former was expected but however did they manage the latter in the wet and miserable summer, just past.

Despite the shop having been closed for two weeks now, we still receive requests for copies of Justin Thyme and Thyme Running Out. I have my own store of 'em!

I will endevour to put something on our blog, now and again

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Schools - WBD freebies

Calling local schools.

There's not much time as we're clearing the premises at Cotswold Bookstore, quite quickly.

However, we do have boxes of  World Book Day books stored up over the past 10 years.

They were given away in exchange for a token or there was a price of £1.00 on them.

Free to schools for library or small prizes.

Please give us a ring on 01608 652666 if you think you can use them.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Happy New Year

A belated Happy New Year to you all.

There's a few books that I've enjoyed recently and, when I can make the time, I'll knock up my thoughts on them.

Of course, if you like the sound of them, you'll have to go to The Borzoi Bookshop in Stow or Jaffe and Neale in Chipping Norton for them. We're fresh out of books.*

The poor old shop really looks a wreck as we've been busy fetching down years of accumulated junk from upstairs and either getting folks to take it away or piling it in the skip outside.

Someone wanted the scrap wood but we cannot remember who that was. If you know - get in touch.

The same applies for our large rug. Someone asked for it but who?

Lots of kind people still arrive to tell us how sorry they are to see us closed. It would have been great if someone had taken over but it's not that kind of world any longer. Sad.

(* Might have a few Justin Thyme's around the place somewhere)