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Sunday, 11 September 2011

Panama Oxridge Signing

A highly successful signing for Panama Oxridge with his second book in the Tartan of Thyme series selling hundreds of books.
(We believe he signed about 250 in total - not bad considering we were only able to contact a small number of customers who bought Justin Thyme.

First in the queue were Arthur and his sister Nia who arrived early to make sure of their special edition bookmarks, a beautiful design by Panama himself.
We believe Panama arrived fresh from a time-travel jaunt into Victorian times, hence the grand beard and moustache.

The competition winner was Josh.
Here he is with his specially illustrated copy of Thyme Running Out.

When the shop opened, those shelves behind him were full of spine out copies of the new book and of the paperback of the first in the series, Justin Thyme.

Notice that we couldn't keep our own 'Mrs Koff' out of the picture.
The banana and chocolate chip cake went rapidly but her clock-face cake was far too good looking to cut.

Not only was the day successful, but it was also very enjoyable, hopefully for everyone.

However, we do apologise for the long wait endure by many of those attending. 

Thank you for your patience.

Now we hope you all enjoy the new book.

Watch out for some very big surprises!!!

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