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Thursday, 30 September 2010

New Store in Town

It's great to see a new shop in town, especially one with faces we recognise. Elecnology opened its doors last Saturday and David and I wished them well when we joined them for a drink (of orange juice) on that morning.
The picture shows shop owner Jackie (centre) with employees and friends Geraldine, Lori, Mike and Mark (that's left to right, obviously!)
In Old Market Way, they carry much of the same stock as Compulight which is closing down, ie printer cartridges, computer accessories, lightbulbs, vacuum cleaner bags etc
Phone 01608 651186 for more details

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Jane Bailey on Sky Arts

Jane Bailey was good enough to charge over and talk about Far from the Madding Crowd at very short notice when Sky Arts phoned asking if they could use our shop for a short piece of filming.
Jane was superb and shows that, beyond her talent as an author, (Tommy Glover's Sketch of Heaven and Mad Joy) she could earn a fortune as a talk show host, news reader or rugby league commentator.
We all look forward to seeing the piece but know we are up against tough competition from a bookshop in Tetbury. Perhaps the Yellow Lighted Bookshop?
We did put a copy of Justin Thyme in the producers bag so perhaps it will get a show of its own one day!

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Five Star Books

Well, now we've just about stopped being the 'Justin Thyme Bookstore', (we only have 1 more to post out) we can get back to the real job and sell some different books.
The two illustrated are my favourites over the past month or so and you'll find a 'review' for each in our latest Book News leaflet as well as on this blog - see Reviews.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Lesley Cookman Event

I'm back into the swing of things after a week's recovery from our Justin Thyme signing so this evening I've been really busy.

Our next signing is to launch Lesley Cookman's latest Libby Sarjeant murder mystery entitled Murder Imperfect. I'll see if I can cadge a proof copy and come up with a review soon. Meantime, do call into the shop where we have a special leaflet about the signing.

However, the bare details are as follows. Lesley will be signing any or all of her books between 11 am and 1 pm on Saturday 23 October. We are able to offer a very special price on the day and there will be a glass of wine or a cuppa on offer. Biscuits too, but no banana cake!

These are light, easy reads yet totally involving and Lesley's characters are believable whilst being just over the top enough to be fun. If you like your murder mysteries with humour and romance, come and meet the author and give them a try.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Last Post

Here's David trundling off to the post office with one of the last stacks of Justin Thymes to go.

We think that made 11 trips altogether so we'd like to thank the girls at the post office for their patience.

There are a few more to go out but, hopefully, the decks will be clear by the end of next week.

We regret there are no spare signed copies but at least our stocks have been replenished so we now have plenty of unsigned stock with more to come in October.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Queueing down the High Street.

Here's a rare shot which actually shows our mysterious author, Panama Oxridge, albeit from the back.
It seems there is something in Justin Thyme which is perhaps a little too scary for younger ones. After all, kidnap, attempted murder and a computer literate gorilla could be quite frightening!

Here's an even clearer view of Panama Oxridge. You couldn't miss him in the street could you?Well, perhaps, if he wore a hat, you could.

Many of the customers on the day were teachers and it was good to think that they would be reading Justin's adventures to a room full of youngsters. It makes ideal bed-time reading too - one of those books which adults and children can enjoy on different levels.

We were so busy in the shop while Panama Oxridge was signing his book that none of us had time to step outside to see the queue stretching away down the road. Luckily Christoph, the publisher (who we have nicknamed 'Mr Pocket'), took an excellent shot showing many of you waiting patiently to enter the bookstore.

One group in the queue had travelled from Norfolk and booked into a hotel for the night in order to meet Panama and there were others who had done the same. Some people brought along their original copies from 3 years ago.

Note the time machine in the foreground.

Today we spent a lot of time parcelling up and getting in the post some of the hundred of copies of Justin Thyme which have to go to all corners, including, Germany, Spain, Holland, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Much Rambling.

There are more photos on The Tartan of Thyme site

Again, we thank all those who came along to make it a day to remember. Thank you!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Justin Thyme signing photos.

My grandson Henry seems proud of his copy of Justin Thyme while grandson Lewis seems to have found something rather startling in his.

Meantime, the queue runs from well outside the door to the very back of the shop.

All of us at Cotswold Bookstore thank all of you who waited so patiently while the mountain of books were signed. It grew very hot in the shop and we only belatedly though of providing drinks of water.

We hope you have all now recovered and are thoroughly enjoying your copies of Justin Thyme. Do let us know what clues and secret messages you find.


A close run thing

No time to do more than comment, rushing off to work - late already. However, anyone unable to get to Cotswold Bookstore yesterday missed the most amazing book signing ever. Panama Oxridge signed approximately 55o (yes- five hundred and fifty) copies of his amazing book, Justin Thyme between 11.30 am and 5.15 pm.
As Wellington said, after the Battle of Waterloo, 'That was a close run thing!', - we only had 570 in stock!

Pictures will follow.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Ready for the day we've waited 3 years for.

Just some of the Justin Thymes in their positions ready for Panama Oxridge to sign tomorrow afternoon. People have come from miles away for this. Will your grandchildren ask, 'What were you doing when Panama Oxridge signed Justin Thyme at Cotswold Bookstore?'

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Cotswold Bananastore?

It would seem that Eliza has taken exception to the name Cotswold Bookstore.

Just be careful on the pavement outside the store for the next few days. We may not have managed to clear up all the skins.
(Many thanks to Panama for the image)

I've been off for a long weekend to Portsmouth with my wife and two grandsons and came back to find Nina and David, determined to prove me wrong on the number of Justin Thymes sold, have boosted sales to a fantastic 350 and beyond.

Now just 4 days to go and we're starting to worry about all the things that can go wrong. We only have 500 copies - supposing we sell more than that on the day!

We have a delivered a fiendish Justin Thyme wordsearch for some of the children (about 350!) in some local schools. If you fancy a go at it, drop in and ask. There may be a few spares.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Panama Impressed (with added bananas)

Panama Oxridge has mailed to sayhow impressed he is with our reaching the 300 mark for advance sales of his brilliant book for youngsters and puzzle/whodunnit lovers, Justin Thyme.

Well, actually, we're rather chuffed ourselves but it's been great fun.

He is also so impressed by our Justin Thyme window that he has placed it on his site. However, I think David has improved it now so perhaps Panama will want a new photo. The window now has added bananas!

What's more, we now have TWO Justin Thyme windows. For the very first time, we have devoted both windows to one book.

Only 10 days to go folks. Don't forget, 2pm Saturday 11th September. Banana cake for the first children to arrive if David hasn't eaten it all first.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Thyme machine

At last - a look at Justin's time machine. An ancient motorbike and sidecar. We hope it will arrive, on 11th September, in time for our book signing at 2pm. As long as the owner sets the dials correctly and doesn't turn up 1754.

A very knowledgeable gentleman who bought a copy today, pointed out something rather interesting about the name of one of the 'Pets' at Thyme Castle. Don't want to say more as it might just have some bearing on the next part of the series.